Monday, December 8, 2014



Candles are used for various purposes and just observing their usage can be very interesting. They carry mythical and religious symbolism, are used for decorative purposes as well as practical but above all they are the symbol of light, of God and of good. Candles will be used forever regardless of all new technologies and ways of providing lighting.  Here are the following:

Candle is an amazing invention used for many purposes. Their use extends from purely practical one like lighting a room to an aesthetical purpose such as the use of scented candles and they can even have religious and magical use too.

For centuries candles of different colors have been burned in rituals to attract desired emotions, material wealth, or karma and can be one of the most effective tools used for meditation, rituals and other ceremonies.  These are compilations of data that I have gathered throughout the years.

BLACK: It is a common misconception that burning a black candle is evil.  Little do they know, that it is Associated with warding off evil and negativity as well as reversal of hexes. Also used to increase psychic ability and for spiritual contact. It is likewise used in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, to protect and/or to ward off negativity. Can be used to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy. Burning black with any other color is said to dissolved all negative energies. 

BLUE: The primary spiritual color it is used to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Other uses include healing, sleep, creativity, perception, calming wisdom, truth, loyalty, dreams, and the examination of emotions. Some say it represents the divine mother. 

DARK BLUE: Associated with water, inspiration, protection and keeping lovers true. Also used for meditation. Promotes laughter, joy as well as loyalty. Can be used to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased. Confers wisdom and self-awareness. Can be calming and assists sleep. Also used to influence truth, dreams, emotions, and loyalty. 

LT. BLUE: Associated with healing, intuition and happiness.  Also used to combat depression and to increase harmony within the home.  Another very spiritual color.  It is likewise used to increase peace, tranquillity, patience, and calmness. It radiates Aquarian energy and can be used in devotional or inspirational meditations; employ where a situation must be synthesized. 

BLUE (Royal): Mostly used to confer wisdom, protection, and good fortune. Increases spiritual awareness. Also increases communication, which can cause change. Can bring about a deep meditational state. Used in rituals that needs increase of Saturn energy. 

 Known to increase steadiness and endurance and to improve health. Attracts money, customers and physical objects.  This is an earthy, well-balanced color.  It is used for rituals of material increase. It is said to eliminate indecisiveness and improve powers of concentration, study, and/or telepathy. It is said to increase in financial success. Also represents the home. Some say those born under Capricorn will be more potent in their work using it. 

GOLD: Aligned with the Sun Gods, solar energy, physical and emotional strength. Also used for fortune, good luck and gambling skills. Fosters understanding and is said to bring about fast luck or money. Likewise, it is used to heal all inner wounds.  Prosperity, wealth, money, attraction. Some also say it represents enlightenment, protection and the Divine Mother. 

GRAY: Used for transcendental travel, vision quests, veiling, protection and hex cancellation.  Useful when pondering complex issues. Can neutralize negative influences without repercussions. Represents balance, encourages stability, helps develop psychic abilities. In magic, this color often sparks confusion; may negate or neutralize a negative influence. 

YELLOW: Aligned with Air. Used to increase intellect, learning ability, handle changes, harmony, charm and action. 

GREEN: Used to increase fertility, growth and money. Aligned with the Earth and nature spirits; can be used for blessing marriages or hand-fasting. Promotes prosperity, fertility, and success. Stimulates good luck, can increase money, harmony, and rejuvenation. Also represents healing, health, and growth. Can be an important component in rituals involving Venus; for it attracts love, and social delights. 

GREEN (Dark): Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy. Used to counteract these influences in a ritual. Also relates to personal goals. 

INDIGO: This is the color of inertia; stops situations or people; best used in rituals that require a deep meditational state. Also stimulates Saturnian energy. 

 This is a combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency. Its used to energize rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required. 

ORANGE: Aligned with energy, healing and vitality and to change your luck.  Used as a balancing element. Promotes mental agility, energy, success and stamina. Its used to affect legal matters, success, action and promotion. Gives encouragement, adaptability and stimulation. Cleanses negative attitudes, situations and places.
PEACH: Promotes restoration and rejuvenation. Confers a softness and gentleness. 

 Used to bring love and peach to you. Increase femininity, honour, spiritual awakening, spirit healing and togetherness. Represents emotions from the heart and raises energies. This is the standard for all rituals that are used to draw love. 

PINK (Dark):
 Represents friends and family, and healing in the family. Promotes romance, and friendship, brings hope. Can promote restful sleep. 

PINK (Light):
 Represents devotion, love, tenderness and faith. Feminine energy. 

ROSE: is great for treating heart ailments, anxiety, depression. Good for people who suffer from nightmares. This graceful color increases admiration, love, friendship, fidelity, and calmness. Can also arouse emotions. It stimulates compassion for self and others, higher mystical powers and humor. 

 Associated with power and dignity. Also used to increase ambition, honour, spiritual healing, empowerment and exorcism power. Also used for self-improvement and increased intuition.  Is used to obtain desires, power and success. Can stimulate idealism and psychic manifestations and help make contact with the spiritual world. Increases enthusiasm, desire and power. Is also powerful for healing, and spiritual development. Some attempt to use it for power over others

RED: Associated with love, protection, strength, passion courage, sensuality and energy. Aligned with the Fire element. This is also is associated with health.  Very effective for healing prayers.   Represents physical pleasures. It can stimulate lust, courage, or strength against enemies. Can confer passion, love, and/or respect. Stimulates energy, health, fertility and will power. Draws Aries and Scorpio energy. Increases magnetism in rituals. Infers sex, vibrancy, and survival. 

 Is a color that can be used for healing, prosperity, peace, growth, awareness, meditation, creativity, neutrality and cancellation. Often used to represent the Goddess. 

 Represents attraction, charm, confidence and persuasion. Used to stimulate mental clarity, knowledge and concentration. Also used in healing. Like gold, it can serve for magic and rituals involving solar energies and deities associated with the sun. Stimulates logic, aids in overcoming mental blocks and promoting the self.

SILVER: Associated with lunar magic and opening astral gates. Removes negative forces and enhanced creative endeavors and success.  Encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess. Also used to stimulate mental telepathy, clairvoyance, and intuition. Can be used for cancellations and neutrality. Stimulates psychometry, dreams, female power, and astral

WHITE: Used for protection and purification, full moon magic. Aligned with purity, innocence, truth, peace and spirituality.  This has the highest consciousness to protect, purify, and heal. Represents truth, unity, protection, peace, purification, happiness, and spirituality. Some say it can be used to replace any color candle in rituals. Used for concentration rituals and meditation work. Lunar energy. 

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