Thursday, September 29, 2011


To start with, they said that Filipino Kulam was significantly predisposed by voodoo practices of Africa. One of the common practices Mangkukulam’s used is what they called Doll Magick or otherwise known as the Voodoo dolls.  This article will just tell you how the Filipinos use dolls in order to make magick. Most of you will see that the magick detailed here is more on the dark side. This is because the Filipinos used this magick against oppressors during the Spanish reign.  Anyhow, this is just to share the knowledge I had which I gained several years ago. 


The Doll
The doll used in this type of magick is usually made from cloth. It is colored black. This doll is blessed using an incantation. It is kept in a small box. The box is made from wood and has a string or chain inside it. The chain is used to tie the doll. The tying symbolizes the power of the witch over the person who will be cursed.  

The doll’s intentional purpose also affects the look of the doll and how it is made; another ancient practice still used today.

All-purpose Voodoo dolls bring love, money, good luck, or any other need or desire we may have, into their lives.

Voodoo dolls to dispel things (bad habits, bad luck, etc.). 

First, get a personal item (clothing, hair or nail clipping, etc.) from the individual you wish to affect and pin it to the doll.

The Rite

Voodoo dolls are usually ritually baptized in the name of the person to be hexed. The voodoo doll Baptism ritual can consist of actual real holy water, and a takeoff of the catholic baptism rights. Identification of the doll to the person by ritual conformation is the first step to making the voodoo come to life.
Well of course, in every ritual, you have to bless it & most importantly to baptize it.  It’s dangerous! Just a warning OK?!  

I baptize thee Name, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In life this is now that who I wish it to be. All that is done to this doll happens now toName as I so do command.
As day goes by and time is infinite, I alone now control the deepest desires, dreams and actions of Name. Their life is now mine to control, my purpose alone and power over part of their stolen soul.
May Name no pleasure or profit see, unless it is now governed, shaped and controlled only by me.

When the witch wants to injure somebody, she takes strands of hair from her victim. When she comes home, she immediately goes to her room and takes the box. She then affixes the hair upon the doll and recites a pseudo-Latin incantation. Then she begins to hurt the victim. She can stick pins into the doll. Everything that she does to the doll, the victim will feel. There are others things she can do. She can touch the doll with her wet finger and the doll will fell pain. She can whip it using a Buntot ng Pagi (Tail of a Ray) and the victim will feel a very painful whip. She can place the doll over fire to make the victim fell hot or submerged the doll in water to make the victim drown. After that she will place the doll back to the box.  

Undo the spell

The only way the victim can free himself is to take the doll out of the box and take of the string or chain that ties the doll. Yeah difficult to do it! 

So be careful not to even try this!!!  Good riddance! 


Wednesday, September 14, 2011



     First, disassemble the frame.  Clean one side of the glass with a cleaning solution, you may use water & soap, as for me I used alcohol & cotton. Then paint this side with a thick black paint.  Oil based enamel seems to work best.  I prefer the gloss black but matte black will work well also.  Apply several coats of paint until light will not pass through the glass.
   At this stage you may paint designs or symbols around the edge of the frame if you are artistically inclined.  If not, there is a variety of frames with designs already on them.  The choice is yours.
     Next, assemble the frame with the painted side of the glass to the inside. The thicker the plate of glass, the “deeper” the mirror will appear.
     An alternate method of constructing a scrying mirror is to use a clear crystal plate.  Paint the back side as described for the picture frame.  With this method I recommend covering the painted portion with felt or some other heavy material.  This will help protect the paint from being scratched or scuffed off.
     You are now ready to begin scrying!!! 

 For beginners dim lighting is a must.  Incense may be burned and/or meditation music may be played.  

Do what you feel that is right for you.  A side note is that in past centuries incense played a more important role in inducing altered states than in the present time.  The reason for this is that the incense was inhaled.  This decreased the amount of oxygen in the blood stream.  The brain will enter an altered state during periods of oxygen deprivation.  I don't recommend this procedure due to possible health risks.  It is only mentioned as a historical note.

The actual procedure for scrying is simple and straightforward:

Get the room ready - dim lighting, incense, music, etc. that you want
Place the scrying medium on a table at a convenient level
A dim light (candle) should be behind the viewer.  To start out this should be the only light in the room.
Perform the progressive muscle relaxation exercise
Look at the mirror (or crystal) in a relaxed manner, focusing about 5"  past the surface of the mirror (this may or may not work for you so try other methods)
You will blink but do not be too concerned about it
Keep your mind blank except if you have a specific question to ask
Do not scry for over 20 minutes at first
The images may appear in different manners.  They may just appear or they may be preceded by a "cloud of mist" forming first.  The mist could dissipate or morph into the images.   The images could be symbols of the subconscious or may be actual pictures of events, past, present or future.  As an example of each person being different, the first visual impression that I receive looks like flying insects rotating on the reflective surface of the mirror.
These are the basics.  Your success at scrying may take days, weeks or months to accomplish.  You may be successful the first time that you try.  Practice will make perfect, so keep on trying if you do not succeed at first.  If you feel that you are at a dead end, try something different.   It may help.  Keep practicing.   Remember that nothing worthwhile in life is easy.  Happy visions!



Magic is real.  It subsists... It works... It is the most compelling and magnificent force in the universe.  It is the very essence that separates the living from the dead.  It is the divine gift that renders humankind immortal.
There is nothing more significant than magic, because it is everywhere.  The waves of the sea, and the sparkle of a star; in the sap of a leaf, and the sweetness of a nut, in the sigh of the wind, and the song of the bird.  Humanity is a living thing, and magic is its beating heart.

To know magic you must be willing to believe that there is more to your life than eating, sleeping, copulating, and dying.  Magic moves underneath the surface of things.  It can give you inner peace and self-confidence, personal charisma, the power to attain your goals in life, and most imperative of all, a true understanding of yourself and your place in the universe.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


v There is no goal in meditation! This is such a rampant misconception; I see people of all ages, walks of life, and beliefs who think they have to achieve a goal, or reach for some level of meditation and I tell you this is not the goal of meditation. You are not trying to go somewhere, or do something through meditation, what you are trying to do is still yourself, still your mind, and achieve a state of connectivity to spirit through your breathing and awareness.

I've been asked through the years by countless people about meditation. And as I sat silently a while ago, contemplating my day I was inspired to blog about it. I logged into Facebook to check on messages first, and there was a private message from a sweet new friend, talking about not knowing how to meditate, and this was of course the cosmic anvil to the forehead that I needed to get going..

 So first, let me dispel some myths regarding meditation, before I get into the nitty gritty.

v You do not need to sit in the lotus position to meditate. It is advised to keep the spine straight however, and sitting lotus can help to achieve a straight spine, while keeping your root chakra on the ground. But still, this is not essential, you can meditate lying down, you can meditate in virtually any position, because your body does not lead you in meditation, your body follows you.

v You do not need to light candles, or incense, or play calming music to meditate. You can create whatever type of ambient atmosphere you choose to, and if it enhances your ability to focus and relax then follow your intuition. However, you can meditate in utter silence, in the middle of a sunlit park, or you can meditate in the dark; you can meditate listening to ambient music, or to your favorite dance or trance.  

v You will not Astral Project and get 'lost' while meditating. I cannot tell you how many people are afraid of this, and I really want to stress that this is not what meditation is about! Astral projection is something that takes years of dedicated focus to achieve, and when it is achieved is not something you get 'lost' doing. The soul is infinite, and holds the wisdom of the Universe within it, when it is out of the body it is free - and there is no place to get lost within - as the Soul is every place, at all times.

Now, let's talk about how to begin meditating, for beginners, or those who just want to reconnect to a pure and very organic way to remove stress, and reconnect to spirit. You can meditate anyplace you want to; in the car, in the bathtub, in bed, at work at your desk, in class, etc. This is because meditation is simply a deepening of breathing, and a focus of awareness. You can meditate for 5 minutes, 5 seconds, or 5 hours; it is up to you when, where, how and for how long you choose to meditate!

Let's drop the word meditation for a bit, and work with the word "relax" in its place. So, when you are ready to "relax", you will get into a comfortable position. It is best to keep the limbs loose; you can put your hands on your lap, or chest, or lay them along side your body. Keep your hands light and loose, there is no need to touch finger to thumb, this is just more complicated Eastern philosophy which sounds great in theory but isn't necessary to "relax". Keep your torso straight, with good posture if possible, with your shoulders back and your head up high. The reason for this is to allow your lungs more capacity for greater intakes of air. Relaxing is all about inhaling rich oxygen!

Ok, so now you understand that meditation is simply relaxing. And the reason we inhale deeply during meditation is because without the rich oxygen supply to our blood stream, which travels to our brains, we cannot begin to release the proper endorphin's necessary to achieve a relaxed state. So this is it dear friend, you are going to assume a relaxed, loose and natural body posture, and then you are going to just start to breathe deeply. You can time your breathing if you're starting out, to help you get used to the rhythm of it. I generally suggest people inhale for a count of 5 (counting in your head of course) and hold the air in for a count of 5, then exhale for a count of 6. Take a count of 2-3 between exhaling and the next inhale. As you do this, you may want to relax your tongue, and let it sit naturally just above your bottom teeth, so your jaw is slightly open and the tongue is touching the roof of the mouth. Really relax your jaw, and tongue, and try not to clench.

You will do this over and over again, as you feel your body begin to relax. You will feel your feet and ankles relax, naturally letting your knees also relax - when you feel the tension move out of them it will be extremely noticeable and a chain reaction may follow through your body, as your shoulders relax, and your wrists, and your neck. You can do this anywhere, anytime - in order to relax your body, remove physical stress, and help to oxygenate your blood and brain. We require oxygen to be able to function properly at all levels of body, mind, and spirit, so meditate/relax whenever you want, for as long or short a period as you desire.

This is meditation, pure and simple. Relaxing, and focusing your breathing. 

From there, you can choose to go further; you can observe your conscious mind, and when thoughts play through your mind you can shoo them out quietly, with blessings, and continue to clear your mind. This can be an ongoing exercise in clarity, as you observe your conscious mind thinking random mundane thoughts (because it is like a computer that never shuts down, your mind) and continue to shush it gently, without judgment, and continue to breathe and focus. Or you can cleanse your chakras, which I will post about in the next few days to follow up. Or you can do visual healing sessions for yourself, family, loved ones, or the planet. The sky is the limit with meditation! Your body and mind will be relaxed, freeing your Spirit to be more aligned and connected, so what you choose to do with your time as you meditate is purely up to you.

But for beginners, I really do think it's important to just stick to the breathing. Several times a day, just assume a comfortable position, no matter where you are, or what you're doing, and breathe. You'll notice how doing this several times a day will help you to refuel, recharge, and refocus yourself. 

I hope this provides you with the help you need to begin meditating on a daily basis! And if you have any questions, you know where to reach me :) So breathe deeply - and still your mind.